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Which version of JDK for LC ES Preview install?


Former Community Member
Installing the LC ES preview and have a basic question or two.

Specifically, what version of the JDK is needed? - the install notes says 'Java sw dev kit (JDK) 1.5.0_11 or later' but when I go to java.sun.com the only thing that has that numeration is Standard Edition, not Enterprise Edition, and I thought LC relied on the latter.

2 Replies


Former Community Member
You will need the JDK Standard Edition 1.5.0_11 or any subsequent release of the 1.5 family, i.e. avoid developing with JDK 1.6 as ES does not run on JDK 1.6.

Only if you plan to be developing Servlets, JSPs, EBJs, etc. will you need to also use the Enterprise Edition.





Former Community Member
Thanks Lachlan, haven't had to deal with Java DKs (knowingly!) before.