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Visibility of subforms in a dynamic form


Former Community Member

Assume that we have three subforms (one under the other). The first one is like a table and grows dynamically clicking on a button ("Add row").

I would like if the 2. subform will be visible only if it is on the same page as the 3. subform. (By default both of them are visible)

I added the following code the layout:ready event of the 2.subform, but it does not work:


var subform2PageNumber = xfa.layout.page(this);

var subform3PageNumber = xfa.layout.page(this.parent.ThirdSubform);

var nodeLength = this.nodes.length;

if (subform2PageNumber==subform3PageNumber){

xfa.host.messageBox("Make it visible");

this.presence = "visible";



xfa.host.messageBox("Make it invisible");

this.presence = "invisible";



Always I got the correct message, but the 2. subform did not became invisible (it is always visible). What is wrong? What should I do in other way ?
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