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Url Encoding


Former Community Member
Hi, this is in another forum, but Thought I'd post it here too..

When I try to submit to a URL a form using LiveCycle Designer 8 using the UTF-8 encoding, the raw post variables look like this:

text9=TextField1=test1TextField2=test2TextField3=%c2%a0test3TextField4=%c2%a0TextField5=%c2%a0TextField6=%c2%a0TextField7=%c2%a0TextField8=%c2%a0TextField1=test1TextField2=test2TextField3=Â test3TextField4=Â TextField5=Â TextField6=Â TextField7=Â TextField8=Â

PHP, Perl & other's Can't Parse it, any thoughts.

I've made a php class file but it still requires the programmer to know all of the fields, & without LC8 source, that's a problem, you'd have to submit & go through the post variable by hand.

is it a LC 8 bug?

am I missing something ?
1 Reply


Former Community Member
I'm finding that his seems to be an Acrobat 8 Issue, try uninstalling 8 & try 7 to see if you get the same error, I didn't.