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Upload / Attach File in form


Former Community Member
I'm new to the LiveCycle Designer, so please bare with me.

I need to design a form that will allow a user to link/attach files. When the user submits the form we would like the form to link to the documents like a hyperlink.

Please help the newbie.
284 Replies


Former Community Member
Your options are to attach the document (and have it part of the PDF) or create a link to a file (where it is stored in a common location) and pass around the link. The link would have to to a web server (i.e. an HTTP connection). You will not be able to have a map to a drive or something like \\servername\folder as your link.

Make sense?


Level 1

I would like the same ability to attach files to forms, can you send any information you have to mbivona@beacon-law.com please?


Former Community Member

The attachment is aleady in this thread.



Level 1

Does this attachment give me the option to send to clients and have them attach files?

Thank you


Former Community Member
Thanks for the tip, it does make sense, however I do not know how to make this work. I'm interested in both solutions Paul. Can you expand on that please?


Former Community Member
If you post your email address I will send you a sample of the programmatic way to attach a file.

For the link approach. I assume that you are referencing the files from a common location. So once we pick the file and know where it is we can create a link like http://servername/foldername/filename based on info we know and info we are passed. Then we simply construct the link name. I like to create a button (because it has a click event) and make it look like a link (no borders, same as the back ground and chnage the text and colour to blue). Does this make sense to you?


Level 1

I am after something similar as well, more specifically...

I need to create a button that when pressed, the user can attach a document (word doc, excel doc, jpg etc) to the pdf form they are filling out. The users of the form I am creating are not Acrobat savvy so may not even know that attaching files to a pdf is available. Hence, I need a visible button that when pressed, will automatically display the dialog box to allow the user to attach files to the pdf form.

Paul, my email is lbrown@waterone.org.  Thank you in advance for your help.


Former Community Member

No I haven't figure it out yet. It looks like if you don't have LiveCycle Reader Extensions server (not acrobat)it will not work and I think we need to buy it separately which is not affordable for me. That's what my understanding is. See the comment # 274 by pguerette (paul)


Aparna Lakhankar


Former Community Member

Here is the file you have asked for. Note that if you intend to use Reader that you will have to Reader Extend the form using LiveCycle to allow this functionality. It is not part of the Reader Extensions in Acrobat.



Level 1

Thank you!


Level 1

Hello everybody,

I'm thinking about a similar application (form), where the client can fill out a number of items and attach files of various sorts and sizes.

I have already downloaded all the sample files referred to in this discussion thread in which I expect to find the sample code for this. Thanks to everybody for looking for the same info and helping each other in the process, and me too

My actual question is this: I'm using LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2, which comes with Acrobat 9 Pro extended. Does this tool offer the same possibilities as the server variant concerning Reader extending in order to get the code to work in a simple Acrobat Reader? I can only assume my clients are using this tool, or maybe acrobat or acrobat Pro (but the latter two are less likely).

Thanks in advance for any insight in this matter.




Former Community Member

Acrobat has a subset of the  Reader Extensions functionality. It will only give you the ability to save locally, comment and digitally sign. The ability to add attachments is not included. You need LiveCycle Reader Extensions Server to allow attachments in Reader.



Former Community Member

Paul sent me some code that did the trick however with a few changes I got it almost working as you described. Let me know if he doesn't get back to you.


Former Community Member
Just sent Karento and bernie the updated sample.


Former Community Member
Works perfectly thanks Paul!


Former Community Member
I came across a user that is not able to add attachments. When I preview the PDF in designer it works perfectly. When I distributed the form for testing the user clicks on the add button and there is no prompt to select the files.


Former Community Member
Are they running Acrobat or Reader?


Former Community Member
I'll have users that use both.


Former Community Member
You have to Reader Extend the file if you want to allow Redaer to attach a file. I believe that your earlier case must have been a user using Reader.


Former Community Member
Paul -

I'm still new to this. Does that mean that I have to save it as a different format or are there permissions?