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UK Euro spell check problem


Former Community Member
Using 8.05 and noticed that each time I create a form I get an 'info' balloon on the page (subform content area) saying 'spell checking does not support this locale'

If I change the Form > Properties > Defalt Form Locale from English (UK Euro) to English (UK) the error goes away.

Why would this be? - I would have thought that, except for the Euro currency symbol being used instead of the old Pound sign, both used the same basic UK English dictionary.
2 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Anne

We have the same problem in Australia and the LC Designer team were kind enough to build in a workaround. This should also work for you. Check out my blog post;





Former Community Member
Mark, thank you so much for that info - with LC often it is the 'small things' that prevent the user moving forward, so the more handy hints like this the better!

Your site is great by the way.
