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trying to put header on 2nd page, but it won't stay put


Former Community Member
I have a dynamic interactive form, with expandable text fields and comment fields, however when the fields expand onto the 2nd page, my header, which I need to have on 2nd, 3rd etc pages (not page 1 though) keeps moving down,expanding with the rest, but I need it to stay at the top of the page, can someone help me? Thanks
5 Replies


Former Community Member

This would appear to be similar to a problem I had - but in my case I wanted fields at the bottom of the very last page only.

The solution is to place the fields you require on the master page and then remove them via scripting (on the master page) from the pages where they are not required.

This post below should contain the details you need - just adapt the script so that it makes the fields invisible on page 1.

John Revoy, "Placing fields at the bottom of the last page on dynamic interactive form" #1, 3 Oct 20...!login=true

Hope this helps,



Former Community Member
John thanks! I havent done scripting before, I put it in the layout ready and tried to adapt it but it wont work, do I have to replace something with "page 1" or something? thanks



Former Community Member

The following script will display the fields on every page except the first. In this example the fields in question are Logo1 / 2 / 3.

// Do not display the logos on the very first page.

if (xfa.layout.page(this) == "1")

{Logo1.presence =

Logo2.presence =

Logo3.presence = "hidden";}

You will also have to ensure that 'JavaScript' is selected as the Language option.

I'm fairly new to scripting myself and found the following site quite useful.


Hope this helps,



Former Community Member
The same thing could easily be accomplished without writing any script. All you have to do is define 2 different master pages and set the max occurrence of the first page to 1.

Writing script to do this sort of thing is overkill and makes the forms more difficult to maintain.