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Transformation between xfaform and document types


Level 8
Level 8
Hi again,

As I can understand that I cannot send an xfaform as an attachment to an email (but document is ok) I would like to know how I can transform an xfaform (with an xml schema to a document). Do I need to use the exportdata and importdata to do this?.

It is important to me because I need to retrieve a form by email (in either xml/xdp or pdf) do some manual work in my process and return an email to the user with and answer in the attachment.

Do you have any best practices for such a scenario?


Kim Christensen

Dafolo A/S

19 Replies


Level 10
Usually, you would send the PDF to the end user. An XDP/XML might not make sense to them. This is more a server-side format to ultimately render an output format(usually a PDF).

So my suggestion is to render the XDP into a PDF and then send the email.

Let me know if I misunderstood your requirement.



Level 8
Level 8
It seems as you have understood me correctly.

As I understand you, you are suggesting that I render a PDF from the XDP and store this in a document variable.

Is this correct?

So the process would be like the following sketch:

- Email endpoint receives mail with attachement

- Attachment is stored as xfaform variable

- Attachment is handled manually in the process

- Attachment is rendered to PDF and stored as document variable

- Attachment is sent back to user

This is just a short recap, please tell me if the above is not possible.


Kim Christensen

Dafolo A/S



Level 10
Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Or if the endpoint receives mail with attachement as PDF, then just use PDF in the process and submit the PDF back to the user.



Level 4

I have a similar process which I retrieve a PDF form from e-mail attachment. And in my workflow, I would like to extract and use(e.g. insert into database) this form data.

I defined a process variable in both xfaform and document types to hold the PDF form. I couldn't be able to get the e-mail attachment when I defined as xfaform but document is OK (as kcdc did).

My question is how can I extract data from document variable in my workflow? Can I transform document type to xfaform?

Do you have any suggestions on invoking a manual process with email endpoints?


Level 10
You don't need to use an xfaForm variable in your case. You can just use the Form Data Integration service and use the exportData operation. Just use a variable of type XML to hold the data from your PDF.



Level 4
I tried using exportData operation; I defined its input variable as document and output as xfaform and I got the below InvalidCoercionException. Should I use setvalue operation instead?<br /><br />2007-12-05 19:56:13,795 INFO [com.adobe.idp.scheduler.SchedulerServiceImpl] OneShot Trigger created ----------------------------------------<br />2007-12-05 19:56:13,811 ERROR [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] stalling action-instance: 508 with message: ALC-DSC-119-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.util.InvalidCoercionException: Cannot coerce object: <document state="passive" senderVersion="3" persistent="true" senderPersistent="false" passivated="true" senderPassivated="true" deserialized="true" senderHostId="" callbackId="0" senderCallbackId="52" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600" disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="5896" contentType="null" length="-1"><cacheId/><localBackendId/><globalBackendId/><senderLocalBackendId/><senderGlobalBackendId/><inline><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1....</inline><senderPullServantJndiName>adobe/idp/DocumentPullServant/adobejb_server1</senderPullServantJndiName><attributes/></document> of type: com.adobe.idp.Document to type: class com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.form.impl.xfa.XFARepositoryFormInstance<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.datatype.CoercionUtil.toType(CoercionUtil.java:878)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.datatype.runtime.impl.pojo.POJODataTypeRuntimeHandler.coerceFrom(POJODataTypeRuntimeHandler.java:101)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.datatype.runtime.impl.pojo.POJODataTypeRuntimeHandler.getNode(POJODataTypeRuntimeHandler.java:127)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.dom.VariableElement.setBoundValue(VariableElement.java:93)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.pat.service.PATExecutionContextImpl.setProcessDataValue(PATExecutionContextImpl.java:729)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.engine.PEUtil.invokeAction(PEUtil.java:583)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTBean.continueBranchAtAction(ProcessEngineBMTBean.java:2863)<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTBean.asyncInvokeProcessCommand(ProcessEngineBMTBean.java:646)<br /> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)<br /> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)<br /> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)<br /> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)<br /> at org.jboss.invocation.Invocation.performCall(Invocation.java:345)


Level 10
I double checked the parameter and the "Data Extracted" parameter needs to also be a document type. The document variable will contain xml so you can use a SetValue to put the document variable's content in a XML variable (not xfaForm). Like this:

/process_data/myXML = /process_data/MyDoc



Level 4
I defined "data extracted" parameter as document and no longer take InvalidCoercionException. And I also used SetValue operation as a second step in my process. But this time I get a different exception.

After exportdata operation it tries to send email(which is not defined in my worklow) and fails:

2007-12-05 21:20:33,510 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously

2007-12-05 21:20:33,510 INFO [com.adobe.livecycle.formdataintegration.server.FormData] ALC-FDI-001-308: Processing exportData operation on source document 19909875.

2007-12-05 21:20:33,603 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.EmailWriterImpl] EmailWriterImpl error : 501 5.1.7 Invalid address

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 5.1.7 Invalid address

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.issueCommand(SMTPTransport.java:1020)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.mailFrom(SMTPTransport.java:716)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(SMTPTransport.java:388)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.EmailWriterImpl.send(EmailWriterImpl.java:225)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.write.EmailResultHandlerImpl.sendResults(EmailResultHandlerImpl.java:300)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.write.EmailResultHandlerImpl.handleSuccess(EmailResultHandlerImpl.java:83)

2007-12-05 21:20:33,775 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.write.EmailResultHandlerImpl.handleSuccess(EmailResultHandlerImpl.java:72)


2007-12-05 21:20:33,790 INFO [com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.write.EmailResultHandlerImpl] Failed to send email Error = Internal error.

2007-12-05 21:20:33,790 INFO [com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.service.email.impl.write.EmailResultHandlerImpl] Failed to send email, write results to local directory

2007-12-05 21:20:33,790 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.Document] DOCS001: Unexpected exception. while saving c:\EmailProvider\kgc\9999999944\071205212027\ResultFiles\*.pdf.

java.io.FileNotFoundException: c:\EmailProvider\kgc\9999999944\071205212027\ResultFiles\*.pdf (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)

Would it be because of the definitions of variables(other than type attribute), or the processes in the workflow or the system settings?


Former Community Member
looks like your have a invalid email address in the email part of the process


Level 4
The email address which I defined as "Inbox User" (in email endpoint definition) on the Host is valid. Because until now I get the attachment from that email address without problem. And I didn't defined another addresss, but what other email address can be part of the process?

It seemed to copy the pdf document to ResultFiles directory, is it because of an error occuring at execution of the workflow.


Level 10
You need to configure the SMTP address as well. Once the process is finished, it'll send an email back to the sender with any output variables if there are any.



Level 4
I got the point about smtp issue and now I turn to my original problem. I did the conversion as explained in message#7. I have now a variable of type xml with reference to its XSD. Then I would like to extract and use form data using XPATH. I have an expression like


Although "Adi" field holds a string value, I get '' out the process.

Is anything with the way I do in extracting data?


Level 10
Use the variable logger and check the content of the XML variable.



Level 4
I checked the contents of the xml variable by writing it to a text file (by using WriteDocument service). Output file contained form data as:<br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/" xmlns:dd="http://ns.adobe.com/data-description/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tns="http://www.example.org/IsBasvuruFormu/"><br /> <xfa:data><br /> <tns:BasvuruFormu xmlns:tns="http://www.example.org/IsBasvuruFormu/"><br /> <BasvuruSahibiBil><br /> <Adi>KLSJSK</Adi> <!-- this is the element I try to extract --><br />...


Level 10
There are namespaces in you xml.

First you need to add them in your process properties. Right click on the process from the Processes view and select properties. Under Advances, you can add the namespaces in the "Registered Prefixes for Namespaces ..."

Add xfa = http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/" xmlns

and tns = http://www.example.org/IsBasvuruFormu/

You're xPath should look like




Level 4
I tried and it worked. Thanks.


Former Community Member
Hi Jasmin

I am facing a problem while setting the value of xml data to the XDP form that is used in the workspace. I have retrieved the PDF from data using the export data QPAC.

thanks in advance


Waqas Ur Rehman


Former Community Member
What are the problems you are experiencing exactly?

Also, the Service Operation "exportData" of the "FormsDataIntegration" service should be used for PDF submissions (as opposed to XDPs). If you are submitting XDPs then your receiving variable should already contain the XML data you need.

First step, use the Write Document service to write your xdp data to disk to see what it looks like. And to save yourself some time, be sure to use an XML schema in the form design and your Workbench definition of the form.


Level 9
Just to add to this thread...

One way to simplify the handing of namespaces in xml data, rather than explicitly adding them into the process, is to strip the namespaces out of the source xml.

This is described here in relation to SOAP messages:


The advantages are:

- you don't need to add the namespace definitions

- you don't need to manually add the namespace prefixes to the xpath expression, you can just use whatever the xpath expression editor uses.



instead of


