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Text field limit by text box size not character limit


Former Community Member
I am creating a form for print that a customer may fill out in acrobat, print, and then fax to me. My problem is that if I dont set a character limit, people can continue to type until it is no longer visible on the page; when printed extraneous text cannot be seen. The character limit avoids this BUT depending on whether they are typing in all CAPS, lower, mixed or qty of spaces, the same character quantity could take up more or less space on the same line. This makes it difficult to determine how many characters to set as the limit. It would be more advantageous to create a text line that when they get to the end of the line are stopped. Or a box that is a set width and height and whatever you can fit within the box is the limit. Does anyone know how to fix this??

Please help.

Thank You.
2 Replies


Former Community Member
Here's a sample that sets the AcroForm doNotScroll property on a text box, which does what you want. You can see the necessary script on the docReady event of the text field.

In XFA 2.5, there will be an attribute to do this in the spec, so this will be a lot easier in Designer 8 (ie: click a check box when designing the form).


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Oops, forgot the file.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support