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SJT Connect to Access DB to present Data within a Form


Former Community Member
Faily new to this product Live Cycle Designer 8.0. I have a large Access DB that identifies asset by Department. An Access Query links about 4 different tables to produce a detailed asset form/report. I would like to recreate this form report using the asset IDs unique key field which links all tables in a PDF form.

1. I would like to present a form with what is in the database today.

2. Have to receipent of the form review to content and make changes.

3. Each change in the form needs to be highlighted in some way to identify what fields changed.

4. The form would be emailed back to me.

5. I would drop all field not hightlighted (no changes) and process only those field that have changed.

Issue. In creating the form some departments have more asset than others requiring the form to be able expand based on the number of assets.

I would like to produce seperates PDF based on the department automatically.

I need some way to page through this document to a specific asset and print to PDF that departements information .

Any and all guidance is welcomed.
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