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Should we consolidate all the forums into one Workflow forum?


Former Community Member
Hi all:

I'm wondering if you think we should consolidate this forum and the others into one larger LiveCycle Workflow forum? I don't think there's enough traffic for LiveCycle to justify all these seperate forums, and would find it easier to manage if we had only one... What do you think?

If I don't hear any large objections, we'll reorganize things next week.

8 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Mike,

you mean that you'd like to consolidate

  • LiveCycle Barcoded Forms

  • LiveCycle Designer

  • LiveCycle Document Security

  • Livecycle Form Manager

  • LiveCycle Forms

  • LiveCycle PDF Generator

  • LiveCycle Policy Server

  • LiveCycle Reader Extensions

  • LiveCycle Workflow

  • LiveCycle Workflow Designer

  • LiveCycle Workflow SDK

? Whew. Well, consolidating all these forums may mess them up quite a bit. In my opinion, at least the biggest one, the
Designer forum, should remain autonomous.

How about three forums: Livecycle Designer, Livecycle Workflow and one for all other aspects of Livecycle?




Former Community Member
That's my thinking as well - create individual forums for products that have enough traffic to support it.

Maybe LiveCycle forms would be on its own too, since there's lots of discussions there.



Former Community Member
Hi Mike,

the new arrangement of the livecycle forums is pretty nifty! But I think something went wrong as the following forums no longer allow the posting of new topics:

Did you intentionally lock them all? :-)




Former Community Member

I don't think so... They should all be working. There are posts in them in the last few days, so I don't think they're locked.

Are you still seeing this problem?



Former Community Member
I am.

I thought it was really confusing, when some forum sections allow adding topics and responding to other topics, but none of the items in the mentioned categories do.

Glad I was not the only one..




Former Community Member
Mike: No, there are no postings in all of these forums since March, 23. Have a look for instance at the
LiveCycle Forms forum, which had formely been pretty busy (speaking in terms of Livecycle forum activity) with at least one new posting per day. But since March 22, it is deadly silent.




Former Community Member

Ah, I see! The problem is that I can post, but "regular" members cannot. I've checked the settings and they are all correct (ie. the same for forums which allow postings and those that don't). I'm asking our uber forum moderator to help me. Hopefully we get this fixed today.

Thanks for letting me know!



Former Community Member
This problem should be fixed now...

Thanks to John Cornicello for his work in fixing up my mistake.
