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Selecting Specific Database Record - Stored Procedure problem


Former Community Member

I am currently trying to look up specific records using a stored procedure. Basing my code on the sample that was provided by Stefan. My stored procedure is as follows.

CommmitmentLetter 1,0

1 being the first customer # and 0 being the first loannum.

My code is as follows:

// Get the Customer Name and determine the associated CUSTNO

var sLoanNo = test.rawValue - 1

var sCustomerName = xfa.event.newText

var sCustomerID = $.boundItem(sCustomerName)

// Set the query's commandType to "storedProc"

xfa.sourceSet.CommitmentConnection.#command.query.commandType = "storedProc"

// Set the Stored procedure in the CommitmentConnection to show only information that belongs to that specific customer.

xfa.sourceSet.CommitmentConnection.#command.query.select = Concat ("CommitmentLetter ",CUSTNO,",",sLoanNo)

// Open data connection and move to first record



CUSTNO should replace the 1 and sLoanNo to replace the 0.

I keep receiving a open operation failed / syntax error or access violation on the SQL server.

any ideas?
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