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Save PDF file with all data typed into form by using Adobe Reader! HELP!


Former Community Member

This is my first time here and I have a little problem. I designed the form in the Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.0 and saving it as dynamic PDF. All I want is to fill it out, save a copy of that in hard drive and then email it as a attach file. I don't want any XML data file or any thing else, I want real completed document in PDF. That's all!

We can save a copy of completed document in Adobe Acrobat Pro but how we can save it in Adobe Reader?

My form is some thing like this (link below), every time you open it in Adobe Reader, it will tell you that "You cannot save data typed into this form." and let you print it.

Example: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/sf269.pdf

But at this link


you can cancomplete this form and save a copy of it into your hard drive with all data typed for ever. Yes by using Adobe Reader! But I have a no idea HOW?

Does anybody have any suggestion? Please any help solving these problems would be most appreciated.

Thanks again,

64 Replies


Level 1

hi danial..

im also trying to develope that kind of pdf application .. is it possible to write code in pdf form danial..

how can u developed the form..pls can u explain step by step.. it's very useful to develope  me

pls reply soon danial


Level 2

Similiar problem.I have a form which is reader extended,when the user click save and rename the form,and then click next button,It opens a new form with the old name it was using before it was renamed and the user will be having two forms opened ,Does anyone have any idea how i can stop this .thanks