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Save PDF file with all data typed into form by using Adobe Reader! HELP!


Former Community Member

This is my first time here and I have a little problem. I designed the form in the Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.0 and saving it as dynamic PDF. All I want is to fill it out, save a copy of that in hard drive and then email it as a attach file. I don't want any XML data file or any thing else, I want real completed document in PDF. That's all!

We can save a copy of completed document in Adobe Acrobat Pro but how we can save it in Adobe Reader?

My form is some thing like this (link below), every time you open it in Adobe Reader, it will tell you that "You cannot save data typed into this form." and let you print it.

Example: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/sf269.pdf

But at this link


you can cancomplete this form and save a copy of it into your hard drive with all data typed for ever. Yes by using Adobe Reader! But I have a no idea HOW?

Does anybody have any suggestion? Please any help solving these problems would be most appreciated.

Thanks again,

64 Replies


Hi Daniel,

The difference is that the IRS forms have been passed through Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions which allows anyone with Adobe Reader to save the form and the form data. When you open your form - there is a message bar at the top that says "You can not save data typed into this form." Whereas if you notice the message bar in the IRS form it says "This form has document rights applied to it. These rights allow anyone completing this form, with the free Adobe Reader, to save their filled-in form locally".

Please see http://www.adobe.com/products/server/readerextensions/main.html for more information on Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions. And please feel free to contact me directly (ldefurio@adobe.com) if you would like me to have your Adobe representative to contact you about licensing and pricing options.


Level 1

Who do I contact to find out if our company still has access to Adobe Reader Ext. I know at one point we did but we are unable to sign on to the site. Thanks


Level 1

I am a software developer and writing on behalf of my customer. I am working with iText and their product is printing out a very simple form which needs fill-in reader extension enabled. For that I need a Private Key. What are my options? If I would buy LiveCycle Reader Extensions, is it ok to extract the private key, and how would that happen?

Thanks for the answer.


Former Community Member
Thanks a lot Lori, I really appreciate you. So I have to buy it!

I read about it on this page http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html, about Adobe Reader 7.0 features that says "...complete filled-in form data when enabled by Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions software.... But I didn't know I have to buy it separately! Fine, can you give me more information about it! Is there any trial version of that Extensions software available?

By the way, I saw your weblog (http://blogs.adobe.com/loridefurio/). Actually its very useful! Do you have any workshop in New York?

Thanks again,



Former Community Member
Another way to save is to comlete your form and then print that form to a PDF file.

The PDF file will save the form and the inputs just as you typed them.


Level 7
I answered your other post on the subject.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate your time.



Hi Daniel,

There is no trial version of Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions, if you send me your form I can create a "draft" version (with a watermark) for testing.

Also - the best way to stay up on developer events is visit http://developer.adobe.com/events


Former Community Member
Thank you very much Lori, it's ok. Well I guess, doing PDF form wasn't a vary good idea!

Good Luck,



Hi Daniel,

I'm surprised you would say that. Most of the US Gov't agencies have moved to PDF for their form solutions due to the fidelity of the layout as well as compliance issues.


Level 1

Hi everyone

I would like to ask your help with almost the same issue which is saving data typed onto a pdf. My case is I am sending out a survey in the form of a pdf document and its contents are multiple choice questions, so I would like respondents to answer the survey save it and send it back to me via email.

How possible would that be

If you would like me to send u a copy of the survey thats fine




Former Community Member
Hi Lori,

I know, that's why I decided to give it a try! But maybe is not a very good idea to using it instead of HTML base form. I'll let you know next month after we upload these forms online and get the result from users.

Thanks again,



Level 7
> But maybe is not a very good idea to using it instead of HTML base form.

For a simple fill in form, there may not be technical advantages to a

PDF over an HTML form. But I'm puzzled in the context of the original

question - do you have tools that allow HTML forms to be saved with

all the data typed in?

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
>Also - the best way to stay up on developer events is visit >http://developer.adobe.com/events

That is when there is something current there. This morning everything listed is for last year.


Is there any kind of training in LiveCycle Designer that Adobe offers either there in San Jose or vicinity or on site at my location?


Former Community Member
Hi Aandi,

Yes I do. You know I am a freelance web designer and each time new project, new boss and different situation. I thought it would be easier to do it this way, at least for me! Thats all! I will send you link to this PDF form later; I love to know what real professional people like you think about it.

Thanks a lot,



Former Community Member
Try this:

After filling out the form - print it to a PDF. This way, all the data stays where it is.

Works for us.


Former Community Member
Hello folks -

I'm currently fighting a very simular battle. Is there no way to allow the permissions through Acrobat when you develop the file?

I have a form with a button to send it to via email once it is completed. However, Reader 7 won't allow it to be saved before it is attached and sent.

I can't ask the user to print it then attach and mail it.

Any thoughts?



Former Community Member

Adobe has a product LiveCycle Reader Extensions that will allow users of Adobe Reader to save the data in the form. This way they can save the file (after) as well as send it. For more information see:



Adobe Systems


Former Community Member
You could also email the XML data instead of the full PDF.


Adobe Enteprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Can't save the forms??? $450 to buy professional to create forms and users can't save them. What a JOKE! I won't be buying any more copys of Professional...Thats for sure...or standard.

Way to go!

Catherine - Adobe Systems

Chris - Adobe Enteprise Developer Support

Keep up to good work!

Disgruntled customer