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Former Community Member
Ok I used the RDS CRUD Wizard which is an extension for
Flex3. I created Bean/DAO style CRUD CFCs using the wizard which
gave me the following files

A Bean CFC, also called a Value Object, which contains the
property definitions and get and set methods.

The DAO CFC, which contains the following methods:

read(primary key value)

create(cfc instance)

update(cfc instance)

delete(cfc instance)

Data Service assembler CFC, which includes a Bean (also
referred to as a Value Object), a DAO CFC, and an assembler CFC.
The assembler CFC is required to take advantage of the Flex Data
Services feature.

Now that I have these CFCs, HOW do I use them in Flex? In
other words how do I send parameters into these CFCs in Flex and
return results.

Such as letting me send in a primary key and getting Content
back (string).
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