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Problems with Static vs. Dynamic forms


Former Community Member
I have found the following out when trying to use required fields as well as a check box that hides or makes visible another page.

The form must be saved as a static form to have the presence attribute work. This allows me to make a page visible or hidden depending on users selections.

The form must be saved as a dynamic form to get adobe to catch non filled out required fields before submition.

The problem is, I need to be able to take advantage of both features. So is there a way with static forms, to make sure certain fields are filled out? Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

6 Replies


Former Community Member
The form does not to be saved as a static form to have the presence attribute work... you can have this.presence = "hidden" etc for dynamic forms.

Make sure the outmost subform is set to flowed, top to bottom.

For the click event of the checkbox, have something like

if(this.rawValue == "1")

{page2.presence = "hidden"}

else {page2.presence = "visible"}

where page2 is the page that you want to hide (remember, any subform that is above this on the hierarchy must be flowed)

hope that makes some sense


Former Community Member
At the risk of sounding silly, I thought the presence attribute ONLY works with Dynamic Forms. I would love to use the example above for hiding pages with a static form (as I need users to use sticky notes), but it does not work for me. Am I missing something?


Former Community Member
Nope, presence does ONLY work with dynamic forms.


Former Community Member
Thanks Sarah, my sanity is still in check!

Can I be cheeky and ask if you know of a way to use Sticky Notes (and other Review and Comment tools) with Dynamic forms?

My dilemma is I am saving a form as Static so that users can use the tools mentioned above, but then I cannot use presence to hide and display sections based on user selections.


Former Community Member
No idea, sorry, though your users could attach files to dynamic forms still, but I expect that that is not really what you want.