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Problem with data service on public address


Level 1
Hi all,

I have a little problem with my app...

when I try to access it with a local network address always
works fine... when I try to access it from a public address the
RemoteObject calls of my app works well but the data service
specified for my DataGrid component don't retrieve any data...

I have a SonicWall Firewall that configures the NAT
operations of my network and I'm using Flex 2.0 on a Tomcat 5.5.17
application server...

Perhaps I must open the rtmp port (2038) specified in the
Flex services-config.xml configuration file...

Also the Adobe dataservice samples have the same problem...

I have tried any possible solutions...

thanks in advance for the responses!


1 Reply


Former Community Member
Do these samples (that don't work) use destinations that use
the same channel? You can check that in data-management-config.xml.
If so, I'd think that it's a port problem, as you described. I'd
try to change the destination use different channels (and hence
different ports) and see if that makes a difference.