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Polulating a numeric field from a drop down list with its value


Former Community Member
OK. I am new here and I have tried to search for this answer. I am trying to populate a numeric field from a drop down list. I associated values with my drop down list and I want that value to be in the numeric field.

I have it working to the point that the field fills in but always with zero not the actual number associated with the drop down list.

I put this in under CHANGE in the drop down list.

numericfield1.rawValue =xfa.event.newText;

I also tried newValue instead of newText but it did the same thing.

Any suggestions?

Also can I call the numeric field (i.e.) n3? I am totalling all of the sums and I named them all n1, n2, etc...... It doesn't seem to like the name.

Also one more issue. I want to check a check box and have a value fill in the numeric field. How do I do this.

Thanks. I can send my form to you if you need it. Any help is appreciated.

I love the program but dont know code but learning.
1 Reply


Level 6
Hi Charles,

If you assign something that isn't a number to a numeric field, it shows you a zero. The rawValue from a drop down is a string, so you need to cast it to a number. Try using the JavaScript ParseInt function. The second parameter is the radix (base 10). Something like:

var strNumberishString = xfa.event.newText;

var nIntegerThing = parseInt(strNumberishString,10);

oNumericField.rawValue = nIntegerThing;

I hope that works for you.

Jared Langdon

J. Langdon Consulting
