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Mac vs. PC differences


Former Community Member
I get different results when viewing my form on mac and pc. Form created with Designer 7,0,041126,0 on a PC. Viewing on pc with Acrobat 7.0.8. Viewing on mac with Acrobat 7.0.3. Also, I am new to scripting with FormCalc.

I have two calculated numeric fields named Subtotal_A and Subtotal_D. The following script gives different results, both subtotals show on the pc, only Subtotal_D shows on the mac. This calculation happens when a radio button is pressed (mousedown).

varSubtotal_A = 875.00

Subtotal_A = 875.00

varSubtotal_D = (varSubtotal_A - varSubtotal_B - varSubtotal_C)

Subtotal_D = (varSubtotal_A - varSubtotal_B - varSubtotal_C)

Thanks for any suggestions,

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