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LiveCycle and Acrobat Document Language Issue


Former Community Member
We've been using LiveCycle to create forms that are 508 Compliant and have found a major issue with creating a document in LiveCycle and saving it as a PDF. When brought into Acrobat there are several options that have been lost in the Form Properties menu. Under the advanced tab the Reading Options Language has been grayed out and has no value. Actually, everything in the Advanced tab has been grayed out with no values present. This is a problem because this effects how the Screen Reader interacts with the PDF.

I've been in touch with Adobe and JAWS (the screen reader) and neither of them have noticed this issue, though they both agree it is not good. Is there anyone with any sort of solution to this problem; maybe a third party software that rights this wrong or a way around it? And does anybody have an idea of what would cause this? Is there a known problem with integration between LiveCycle and Acrobat?
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