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JavaScript code not working to print and email


Former Community Member
I am using this code for a button but cannot get it to print and to email the form. I have the Form Properties set to Javascript/Client. Windows XP Pro, Acrobat 9 Pro with Live Cycle Designer, 1gig RAM, Dell Dimension 8300

----- print & email (JavaScript, client) --------------------------------

this.print((bUI: false,bSilent: true, bShrinkToFit:true));

this.print((bUI: false,bSilent: true, bShrinkToFit:true));

this.print((bUI: false,bSilent: true, bShrinkToFit:true));

this.mailDoc(false, "jhaggard@revenuedevelopers.com", "", "Completed Bill of Lading is attached",

"Please see the Bill of Lading form attached for your review."


this.mailForm(false, "jhaggard@revenuedevelopers.com");
1 Reply


Level 5
I hope you might have already found the solution... just incase here what you suppose to use

this.print({bUI: false,bSilent: true, bShrinkToFit:true});

Good luck,
