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IllegalStateException while invoking livecycle formserver using java api


Former Community Member
I am new to livecycle formserver.when i am trying to invoke formserver using java api ,it is giving illegal state exception.My servlet application to invoke formserver is deployed in tomcat 5.o in one system and jboss with formserver is in anohter system.

I am using the following properties to connect formserver in another system.

Properties ConnectionProps = new Properties();

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_DEFAULT_EJB_ENDPOINT", "jnp://");


ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_SERVER_TYPE", "JBoss");

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME", "administrator");

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD", "password");

And i am confusing in setting the following paths using UrlSpec object.

URLSpec urlspec = new URLSpec();


out.println("after webroot");


out.println("after contentroot");


My .xdp file is in my localsystem where my tomcat is running.and renderToHtml method is like this:

FormsResult formOut = Fsc.renderHTMLForm(formName, TransformTo.AUTO,oInputData,htmlRenderSpec,"",urlspec,null);

i am passing the path of the .xdp file in my local system to formName parameter.

with this code i am facing problem.Is there anything wrong in my code?or is there any settings to change in formserver?

please help me with this problem,i am trying to sort out this problem.

Any help?

Thanks in Advance
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