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If Expression problems


Former Community Member
Specs: running LiveCycle Designer 8

setting an expression statement to a numeric field

if (NDays<=2) then


else if (NDays>2) then



NDays and NCost are two other user entered fields.

I put this statement in the calculate event with Formcalc as the language and Client as the run at. The goal here is for the user to enter a cost per day and how many days their trip is, and for this if statement to automatically calculate the total. The formula is supposed to represent the fact that the first and last days of a trip, you recieve half of the usual allotment.

Ok, now with all this set. When I open the saved form with reader or pro, i get a "syntax error near token endif on line 5, column 5" and I have no idea why. I am wondering why this script is running at initialize if it is set in the calculate event....

any help would be apreciated!
2 Replies


Former Community Member
I'm encountering the same problem and I even copied and pasted the example from the help screen and changed the fields and values.


Former Community Member
Hi Vincent & Marlon - The syntax error is that you've got two if statements, but only one endif. Try adding another endif at the end.