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How to modify format of a button when you click it?


Former Community Member
I am very new to Designer. I am designing a dynamic, interactive form with a subform that adds/removes a "Comments" section when you click a button. The caption on the button changes to/from "Add Comments" / "Clear Comments" when you click the button and the "Comments" section is added/removed. I would like to have the background color of the button and the color of the text change as well.

I am guessing that I would have to include something in the scripting but I am not a Java scripting expert. I just copied the scripting for the adding and removing of the "Comments" section from one of the sample forms in the library that accompanied Designer. I am fairly adept and intuitive but I need some help getting started. I would like to have blue button/white font & red button/black font.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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3 Replies


Former Community Member
Hello W. Dean,

I hope this helps you.

On Click Event (button)

// I establish the state of the button depending on the text that it contains

// You can use the button's background color or its text color too.

var buttonText = xfa.resolveNode("this.caption.value.#text").value;

// Check the condition.

if(buttonText == "ADD COMMENT"){

   // Changing the caption of the button's text.

   xfa.resolveNode("this.caption.value.#text").value = "CLEAR COMMENT";

   // Changing the text color to black.

   this.caption.font.fill.color.value = "0,0,0";

   // Changing the button's background color to red.

   this.fillColor = "255,0,0";


   xfa.resolveNode("this.caption.value.#text").value = "ADD COMMENT";

   this.caption.font.fill.color.value = "255,255,255";

// white

   this.fillColor = "20,120,220";


Good luck,



Former Community Member
Thanks Dan. That worked. Can you recommend a good book for Java script to use in conjunction with Designer that is relatively easy for the non-programmer to understand?


Former Community Member
Ummm I never have bought any book of JavaScript. I have learned about it reading the internet tutorials and examples (it's all for free).

JavaScript language is very simple and intuitive. In a few weeks you will understand it perfectly.

