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HELP - email address problem - need to reset a variable


Former Community Member
I created a form that will be submitted to certain different email addresses based on an option selected from a drop-down list (named Customer).

I tried another script posted here, but that was based on the assumption that there was only one choice per email address in the list.

I wrote this on the change event of my list. I want the variable "emailAddress" to adopt the correct email address, based on the value of the option selected from the list:

var emailAddress = "email4@xyz.com";

if (Customer.rawValue = "3"|"4"|"7") {

emailAddress = "email1@xyz.com";


else if (Customer.rawValue = "5"|"8"|"15"|"20"|"21"|"26") {

emailAddress = "email2@xyz.com";


else if (Customer.rawValue = "9"|"10"|"13") {

emailAddress = "email3@xyz.com";


else {

emailAddress = "email4@xyz.com";


Then I copied this (from the other topic), on the click event of a regular button ,which calls for a second, hidden button:

EmailSubmitButton1.resolveNode("#event").submit.target = "mailto:"+ emailAddress;


The form worked fine the first time, but after that, all submissions are going to email3@xyz.com. I'm thinkking that the variable emailAddress has now a fixed value, and does not change.

I am new to Javascript, so I might have not written the code properly, any help will be greatyl appreciated!

Thank you.
2 Replies


Level 6

I think your javascript syntax is problematic. Instead of the syntax

if (Customer.rawValue = "3"|"4"|"7")


if (Customer.rawValue == "3"|"4"|"7")

Note the double equals sign. That's the equality comparison operator in javascript. The single equals is assignment.

if that still doesn't work, try

if ((Customer.rawValue == "3") || (Customer.rawValue == "4") || (Customer.rawValue == "7"))

Hope this helps.