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Flex debugging on OS X whilst accessing data from a remote live asp.net server


Former Community Member

I'm trying to find a way to set up a test development
environment for an ASP.net developer working on Windows, and a Flex
developer on OS X. With other technologies I would have considered
setting up a remote test server and have for the client-side
development fire up on the server for testing.. However flex
doesn't seem to support FTP access.

Can anyone suggest how we might be able to set up a testing
environment in this situation, ideally we would like to be able to
allow the Flex developer to access the remote ASP.net data services
for debugging - I've googled but don't seem to come up with alot
for this. I've come across how Flex allows you to publish files
under IIS but this only appears to be on a local machine.

Please feel free to treat me like a simpleton in providing
instructions for how to set this up or suggesting what the workflow
might be.

Many thanks


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