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Error :No Credential or Context when invoke custom component


Level 3

I'm trying to call my custom component from a main workflow process. I'm getting exception

related with NO Credential Set (ALC-DSC-213-000)

com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean getServiceClientFactory

SEVERE: JobManager:getServiceClientFactory(userContext):invocation context is null, using null context to create job

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:37:42 PM com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean doOnMessage

SEVERE: JobManagerBean:onMessage():Exception:ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.AuthorizationInterceptor.intercept(AuthorizationInterceptor.java:84)

I'm calling as a web service using a .NET Client(JBoss Turnkey on Windows). In the client, I set a user id and password. If I disconnect the custom component( input to the custom component is a string containing an xml document: output is a string, two maps and a list) the error goes away.

I'm using the examples provided in the SDK help as a guide.

Thanks for any insight on what I might be missing.



Here is partial of the exception information:

2008-07-08 16:33:51,343 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously

2008-07-08 16:33:51,423 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:33:51 PM com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.service.OrchestrationEventListenerService propogateFault

INFO: ProcessManagerSerice:throwEvent()

2008-07-08 16:33:51,493 INFO [com.adobe.idp.scheduler.SchedulerServiceImpl] OneShot Trigger created ----------------------------------------

2008-07-08 16:33:55,539 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:33:55 PM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl retrieveEvent

INFO: retrieving active event for 5910

2008-07-08 16:33:55,539 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:33:55 PM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl retrieveEvent

INFO: retrieved active event for 5910

2008-07-08 16:33:55,549 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:33:55 PM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl sendNotifications

INFO: Total subscriptions retrieved = 0 for event id5910

2008-07-08 16:35:28,164 WARN [com.adobe.idp.common.errors.exception.IDPLoggedException] UserM:GENERIC_WARNING: [Thread Hashcode: 28196774] | [AuthenticationManagerBean] errorCode:12804 errorCodeHEX:0x3204 message:Could not validate SAML Token --- Assertion is not valid. Current time is greater than NOTonOrAfter time specified in the Assertion

2008-07-08 16:37:41,999 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:37:42 PM com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean getServiceClientFactory

SEVERE: JobManager:getServiceClientFactory(userContext):invocation context is null, using null context to create job

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 8, 2008 4:37:42 PM com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean doOnMessage

SEVERE: JobManagerBean:onMessage():Exception:ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.AuthorizationInterceptor.intercept(AuthorizationInterceptor.java:84)

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed(RequestInterceptorChainImpl.java:44)

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.engine.impl.ServiceEngineImpl.invoke(ServiceEngineImpl.java:113)

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.routing.Router.routeRequest(Router.java:102)

2008-07-08 16:37:42,069 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.base.AbstractMessageReceiver.routeMessage(AbstractMessag
2 Replies


Level 10
In the adminui under Application/Services can you try to remove the security on your component.



Level 3
Hello Jasmin,<br />Followed your suggestion to try running my custom component with its security disabled. I made sure it was disabled. And repeated the service call. I am getting the same exception. <br /><br />Exception:ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set<br /><br />BINARY_DATA>PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PHA+U2VjdGlvbiBTaXg8L3A+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=</BINARY_DATA><br /> <REMOTE_URL/><br /> <ATTACMENT_ID/><br /> </VALUE><br /> </item><br /> </ITEMS><br /></ASSM><br /><br />2008-07-09 09:46:35,879 INFO [com.adobe.idp.dsc.variablelogger.VariableLoggerService] Variable Properties:<br /> VP1215610697715:length = []<br />2008-07-09 09:46:35,879 INFO [com.adobe.idp.dsc.variablelogger.VariableLoggerService] <br />[PID:-1] [ActionID:-1] End!<br />2008-07-09 09:46:35,879 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously<br />2008-07-09 09:46:36,220 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:46:36 AM com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.service.OrchestrationEventListenerService propogateFault<br />INFO: ProcessManagerSerice:throwEvent()<br />2008-07-09 09:46:43,030 INFO [com.adobe.idp.scheduler.SchedulerServiceImpl] OneShot Trigger created ----------------------------------------<br />2008-07-09 09:46:47,046 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:46:47 AM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl retrieveEvent<br />INFO: retrieving active event for 6201<br />2008-07-09 09:46:47,046 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:46:47 AM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl retrieveEvent<br />INFO: retrieved active event for 6201<br />2008-07-09 09:46:47,176 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:46:47 AM com.adobe.idp.event.notification.NotificationManagerImpl sendNotifications<br />INFO: Total subscriptions retrieved = 0 for event id6201<br />2008-07-09 09:48:17,798 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:48:17 AM com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.impl.ServiceRegistryImpl stop<br />SEVERE: ServiceRegistryImpl:stop(docb_assm, 1.1)<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,911 INFO [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] Invoking action synchronously<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,961 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:49:14 AM com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean getServiceClientFactory<br />SEVERE: JobManager:getServiceClientFactory(userContext):invocation context is null, using null context to create job<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,961 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 9, 2008 9:49:14 AM com.adobe.idp.jobmanager.ejb.JobManagerBean doOnMessage<br />SEVERE: JobManagerBean:onMessage():Exception:ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,961 INFO [STDOUT] ALC-DSC-213-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: No Credential or Context set<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,961 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.AuthorizationInterceptor.intercept(AuthorizationInterceptor.java:84)<br />2008-07-09 09:49:14,961 INFO [STDOUT] at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed<br /><br />Regards,<br />Jesse