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Error during invocation of a created process


Former Community Member
Hi All,

I am getting the following error when i am calling a process which i have created,

Exception in thread "Main Thread" com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to load class com.adobe.idp.DocumentFileID (see the server-side log for details)

at com.adobe.idp.DocumentManagerClient.clientSidePush(DocumentManagerClient.java:181)

at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivateInitData(Document.java:865)

at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(Document.java:704)

at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(Document.java:661)

at com.adobe.idp.Document.writeObject(Document.java:500)

Any help is appreciated.


6 Replies


Level 10
Did you do a turnkey install?

What is your process doing? How do you invoke it?

If you use the API, you'll need to import the com.adobe.idp.Document.

You'll need to add the following class in your lib folder:




Former Community Member
Hi Jasmin,

Thanks for the reply.

I am using trial version of Lifecycle 8.0 for weblogic. I have already added the client jar in the classpath, when Document which is in the same package as DocumentFileID is visiable, why DocumentFileID is not visable.

Below is the code,

Properties ConnectionProps = new Properties();

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_DEFAULT_EJB_ENDPOINT", "t3://");


ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_SERVER_TYPE", "Weblogic");

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME", "administrator");

ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD", "password");

// Create a ServiceClientFactory object

ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(ConnectionProps);

// Create a ServiceClient object

ServiceClient myServiceClient = myFactory.getServiceClient();

// Create a Map object to store the parameter value

Map params = new HashMap();

// Populate the Map object with a parameter value

// required to invoke the CreatePDF short-lived process

FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\\Report.xml");


Document inXMLData = new Document (fileInputStream);


params.put("inXMLData", inXMLData);

// Create an InvocationRequest object

InvocationRequest request = myFactory.createInvocationRequest(

"ProcessName", //Specify the short-lived process name

"invoke", //Specify the operation name

params, //Specify input values

true); //Create a synchronous request

request.setInputParameter("inXMLData", inXMLData);

// Send the invocation request to the short-lived process and

// get back an invocation response

InvocationResponse response = myServiceClient.invoke(request);




Level 10
Adding it to the class path will make sure you code compiles. You also need to package it in your project.

For example if it's a WAR file, then you need to put it in WEB-INF\lib.

I'm not sure why it's not finding it if you add it to your project. I'll investigate more once you've confirmed you add it to the lib folder of your project.



Former Community Member
Hi Jasmin,<br /><br />Thanks for the reply.<br /><br />After adding all the jar, I am not getting ClassNotFoundError.<br /><br />I am getting another error. In my process I am calling OutputService generatePDFOutput. I am getting the following error,<br /><br />Caused by: com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException:<br />While trying to lookup 'com.adobe.output.config.OutputConfigHome' didn't find subcontext 'output'. Resolved 'com.adobe' in javax.naming.NameNotFoundException<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.util.ResultFile.<init>(ResultFile.java:65)<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.PrintServer.submit(PrintServer.java:215)<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.service.OutputServiceImpl.generateOutputInTx<br />n(OutputServiceImpl.java:183)<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.service.OutputServiceImpl.generatePDFOutputI<br />nTxn(OutputServiceImpl.java:279)<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.service.OutputServiceImpl.access$100(OutputS<br />erviceImpl.java:65)<br /> at com.adobe.printSubmitter.service.OutputServiceImpl$2.doInTransaction(<br />OutputServiceImpl.java:246)<br /> ... 65 more<br /><br />Any idea why I am getting this error. Appriciate you help.<br /><br />Thanks<br />Raghu


Level 10
Did you add the adobe-output-client.jar file.

I'm assuming you've installed Output as part of the installation.

Make sure you use the jar file from the same installation that you are running ES from (basically the latest).

Are you using SOAP or EJB to connect to the service container? Try both to see if it makes any difference.



Former Community Member
Hi Need some help.

I am trying to use the generatePrintedOutput method in the OutputClient class but I am getting the following error

"Printer not found"- but my print server name and the printer name(printer share name) are correct.... any guesses wat could be the problem?
