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Dis-proportionate Increase In File Size When Inserting Static Image


Former Community Member
I have created a form for our school's website for students to order book covers. When I insert a 440 KB jpg image of the book covers using an "Image" object (not "Image Field"), the PDF file size goes from 248 KB to 3.65 MB. Why is this happening? Logically the file size should only increase by approximately the size of the image.

I am using Designer 7.0 running on Windows XP Home. I initially had inserted 34 separate jpg images averaging about 13 KB each. I removed these and put them into a single jpg image using Photoshop. This image is 440 KB. The resulting PDF file without the pictures is 248 KB. I am saving it as a "Static PDF Form File." I have selected "Embed Image Data" so that the images don't need to be in a separate folder on the school's system. Even when this wasn't selected, the file size was over 3.5 MB.
3 Replies


Former Community Member
First, try a File | Save as.. from Acrobat. This simple step often reduces file size.

If that doesn't work, then try Advanced | PDF Optimizer, again from Acrobat.




Former Community Member
The File | Save in Acrobat Professional 7.0.7 didn't reduce the file size and when I tried the Advanced | PDF Optimizer I received the error message "This PDF contains an Adobe XMF form. Such PDF's cannot be optimized." Thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately neither of them did the trick.


Former Community Member
maybe this will help other users. When you edit an image in Livecycle, then can no longer optimize it in Acrobat. But if you do a File, Save As from Livecycle, then it that will reduce the file size.