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Designer ES is a step backwards in design tools.... when will a new version be released????


Former Community Member
After using this tool for a couple of days, I have realized that the Adobe Designer ES application is a huge step backwards.

I have worked with JetForm 99, Designer 5, 7, 7.1, 8 (briefly), 8.1(briefly) and now ES. ES is by far the most unfriendly from the Designer's perspective.

- xfa.host.print is not supported. I cannot print a form to legal sized paper, even though it is set properly on the master page by the new form wizard/assistant.

- read only fields are in the tabbing order.... thereby making them something other than 'read only'.

- when designing, a selection of multiple fields is not maintained from one operation to the next.

- The relationship between a field listed in hierarchy and in the design view is broken.

- duplicating and copying and pasting of objects is different.

Okay, some of these might be growing pains... but not all. So is a new version in the works? When will it be released?
2 Replies


Former Community Member
Thanks for the info. I was thinking of upgrading but will hold off now.


Former Community Member
Your choice, but that's not the reason I posted what I did.

Others have posted problems in this forum:


Not too many replies from the fine folks who work at Adobe though