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Creating a single PDF form XDP + multiple XML.


Former Community Member
Is it possible to create a single PDF from a single XDP template and various XML using Adobe Forms?


Juan Cruz.
9 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Juan:

It is definitely possible to do this. Simple steps to do this:

1. create an xsd schema that satisifies all possible XML file

2. create form in livecycle designer

3. bind schema with form created in step 2.

4. create application that base on some logic will use a different xml

5. make a call to form server in your application, pass in the template, and the xml as approrpirate.

good luck!




Former Community Member
Hi David:

I think I didn't explain myself very well... Sorry.

I have one XDP. Merging it using Adobe Forms with one XML I create one PDF. Let's say that the PDFForm generated have one page.

What I want to do is, using the same XDP, and merging with, for example, three different XML, create a single PDFForm with 3 pages.

I guess I could generate three different PDF, and concatenate them later with some software, but I think that no software can concatenate PDFForms.


Juan Cruz


Former Community Member
Hi Juan:

No worries. There are a couple of approaches to this.

1. Merge the 3 different XML data into one XML, then merge into a template to create a dynamic PDF. The 3 pages will be created for you from a single XML source and a single page template.

2. Use your approach, but use livecycle assembler to merge the documents together.





Former Community Member
Hi David:

Looks like n.1 is just what I'm looking for. What I don't know how to do is making a template (XDP, I guess) from the original XDP in order to get the multiple page PDFForm result.

The number of pages should be dynamic (depending of the number of XML merged into one XML)... Maybe using a table?


Juan Cruz.


Former Community Member
Do you have livecycle designer? The simplest thing to do is to go through the dynamic forms tutorial in the help section. (Press F1, then serach for dyanmic form)<br /><br />The xml data structure would look something like this:<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" ?><br /><contact><br /><first>david</first><br /><last>liao</liao><br /><company>ensemble</ensemble><br /></contact><br /><br />each set of contact tags with nested subtags are your single xml, the merged xml would look something like this.<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" ?><br /><contact><br /><first>david</first><br /><last>liao</liao><br /><company>ensemble</ensemble><br /></contact><br /><contact><br /><first>jeremy</first><br /><last>liao</liao><br /><company>ensemble</ensemble><br /></contact><br /><br />once you create the teamplate, form server, and acrobat knows how to create multiple pages for a dynamic form, and map each of the "Contact" to it's own pages.<br /><br />Hope that helps.<br /><br />david<br />www.ensemble.com


Former Community Member
Sorry for the intrusion, but I have a similar situation I was hoping for help with.

Like Juan, I have a need to create dynamic PDF files for my end-users. In this cane, they are customers who may wish to see a collection of invoices from the past year through a web-portal. I have already created a LiveCycle form that works correctly; I can merge it manually with an XML file and see a PDF with all of their invoices.

I'm having trouble automating this process. When they click a button, I have written the ASP.NET code to pull the data out of our database and format it into an XML file that the XDP can read. I just am unsure how to write the C# that will actually merge the XDP and XML and output a flat PDF file that my user can then download. Is there an SDK or some sample code I can look at? I need to use our existing web-portal, I'm not interested in rolling out a new Adobe-driven web page.



Level 9


Former Community Member
Hi Guys,

I have one more problem here. Say i have an Adobe Form here and i have entereed some values in the form through adobe writer.Does provide any tool to convert the entered values to an xml file so that i can save the values in a database.


Former Community Member

I am also having the same problem. How to convert the data in PDF to XML? Please help.

Thanks in advance