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Check multiple fields on form before submitting - Designer 7.1


Former Community Member
I have created about 50 mulitiple page forms, and have been told that I need to add functionality that would check several repeating drop-down fields for a particular value (one per line), and change the value of a status field at the bottom if it matched. I figured this would be similar to validation? I was reading the Form Object Model Reference, and was wondering if I should be using resolveNode?

My field that I want to check for a value of "resolved" looks like "form1.p1.SubFormQuest.all.item(4).SubFormFullResponses.SubFormFullResponse.all.item(2).FullResponseText"

The only thing that changes are the numbers. I'm going to tie this to the click event of the submit button. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to have to specifically call each line in every form if I don't have to.
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