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Changing language in Workspace


Level 8
Level 8
Hi all,

I am working on a process that needs to be implemented in an invironment where the users do not understand English. How can I change the language in the entire Workspace from English to another language. I guess there is no translation to Danish (which is the language I need), however in that case how can I make the translation myself?

Thanks in advance


Kim Christensen

Dafolo A/S

22 Replies


Level 10
You can add a ressource bundle swc fine that contains your language specific information.

Look at the following document http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/es/customizeworkspaceui.pdf for more information. There is a topic for localization.



Level 8
Level 8
Thanks a lot Jasmin,

I will dig into the documentation - it seems to be a task which is manageable.




Former Community Member
I also looked at the Localization part of the document, I could not figure out how to localize. Steps are not so clear. Can anyone extend the steps of the document?




Former Community Member
Asiye.,can you provide more detail where in the document you're having issues? If it isn't clear enough we should get Adobe to correct the issues.


Former Community Member

In customizeworkspaceui.pdf file "Localizing LiveCycle WS" --> "Compiling the localization SWF file" part, in step 1 :

Where are the "resource-bundles"? How can I put them structurally to compile below expression?

compc -locale=es -output=export/es/workspace_rb.swc -source-path

./es "C:/program files/adobe/flex builder 2/flex sdk 2/frameworks/locale/"

-include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace

alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources collections controls core data effects

formatters logging messaging rpc skins states styles utils validators -

I also want to make "To Do" and "Tracking" tabs invisible in workspace. How can I achive that?

Thanks a lot.



Former Community Member
"Where are they resouce-bundles?" ... They're identified via the -source-path property.

You're executing the command in the root directory of your project, your custom 'es' property files are in the es directory, and you identify where your flex locale directory is.

The include-resource-bundles is identifying what you want compiled in your es swc. So identifying the new alc* files and the core flex bits.

One thing to note, when I tried these instructions I received an error, about "Unable to open 'locale/es'. It might be my configuration, but I needed to specify -locale=es_ES. Then everything worked.

As for your To Do and Tracking question, try not to cross thread to keep the topic relevant to the main subject.


Former Community Member
I am also struggling to make sense of this documentation.

The documentation from page 32-34 guides me to create a new project putting the 3 properties files into "es/" directory. Then, when it comes to compilation, it has a list of things like "SharedResources", collections, controls, core, etc... that I have no idea where they are from.

Secondly, it states an assumption where the compilation command should work:

compc -locale=es -output=export/es/workspace_rb.swc -source-path

./es "C:/program files/adobe/flex builder 2/flex sdk 2/frameworks/locale/"

-include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace

alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources collections controls core data effects

formatters logging messaging rpc skins states styles utils validators --

It says, "The following command assumes that you installed Flex Builder in the default location and copied the files from the LiveCycle ES SDK folder to the \WSCustomization\SWCS folder on your computer:", what are the files from LiveCycle ES SDK folder should we be copying? and what is the folder \WSCustomization\SWCS as it has not been mentioned so far on this section prior to this?

My last question, I gave it a go to run the command with only few parameters that I understand:

D:\dev\flex\wsLocaleCust>compc -locale=es -output=test/workspace_rb.swc -source-

path .\es "D:\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale" -include-resour

ce-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace alc_wks_client_ui --

Loading configuration file D:\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\flex-co


Error: could not find source for resource bundle alc_


And I got the error above.

Anyone out there has successfully compile a swf for another language?



Former Community Member
Hi Kendy

That documentation requires some clean-up i believe.

For step 7, it should read "From the folder where you extracted the Workspace ES source code as a reference, copy the following files from the wsSource\Workspace\src folder

to the folder you created in step 5 to store the properties files:..."

The 3 properties are copied from the source code that you copy from where you unzipped the Workspace source code that comes from installing LiveCycle ES. (Please refer to page 16 for retrieving the Workspace source and upzipping it. - it suggests to unzip source to a folder called wsSource - as an example).

The SharedResources, collections, etc. are property files that are specified in the -source-path C:/program files/adobe/flex builder 2/flex sdk 2/frameworks/locale/[locale]. For example [locale] can be "en_US" or "es".

After you copy the 3 property files from the Workspace source to the "es" folder in your project, the compile error should disappear.

I'll see if I can put together more concise instructions based on your response to the following questions:

- Are you using Flex Builder 2 or Flex Builder 3?

- Which version of LiveCycle are you using? For example, LiveCycle ES (8.0.1)?

- What version of patching are you using (SP1, SP2) - the folder structure for setting up your development environment differs from what I remember because of changes to the LiveCycle_SDK_ES folder that is found in the folder that LiveCycle server is installed.

- What language are you localizing to? I'll make the steps more specific to your case.

Hope that at least helps initially. When I get a response back from you, I'll start putting those steps together so it might take me a day or two to get back.

Hope that helps!


Former Community Member
Thanks for responding.

I am using Flex Builder 2.

The ES version that I am running is ES 8.01 SP1b. And intent to move on to SP2.

I am not actually localize to another language, but I have customized the workspace to have extra UI stuffs that needs labeling, and I have added new strings to the property files. When I build my customized workspace, it can resolves the labelling constants against the property file, however, when I include the locale directory in the web app, it gives me error on those new labelling constants that couldn't be found in the property file, because the swf file in the locale folder is based on the original property file.

That is why I need to rebuild the local swf file for en to have those extra property strings added by me.

Regarding your other response, I have tried running the command using

D:\dev\flex\wsLocaleCust>compc -locale=es -output=test/workspace_rb.swc -source-

path .\es "D:\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale" -include-resour

ce-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace alc_wks_client_ui --

Loading configuration file D:\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\flex-co


the full path pointing to those resource property files, with and without the extension .properties, does not make any difference whatsoever and keeps saying could not find them.



Level 2
Hi Kendy,

I had some access issues so I simply re-registered under flexairlr1.

Here are the steps i used. You need to ensure you are using Flex 2.0.1 hotfix 2 (hotfix 3 works as well). There are 22 steps. 1 - 13 are in this posting.

To customize the Workspace client piece:

Instructions to customize the server pieces and related LCA (queuesharing) coming...

1. Setup your environment in the following order:

* Ensure that you are running Flex SDK 2.0.1. Hotfix 2. You can download this from the

Adobe website at ttp://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb402000.

After you run the install, this will update the your Flex SDK, in a default installation

is typically found at C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2.

* On your LiveCycle ES server, browse to the


adobe-workspace-runtime-exp.war\WEB-INF\flex\libs folder and copy the fds.swc file to your

Flex SDK folder.

For example, the Flex SDK is found at C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2.

* For an US English install of Flex Builder, there will be only the en_US locale folder available

for the Flex SDK. If you plan to localize to another language, you need copy the contents of

the en_US locale folder and localize each of the .properties files. For example, if you are localizing to international Spanish, copy the the contents of the

C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale\en_US folder

into another folder called C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK

2\frameworks\locale\es_ES, and then open each .properties file and translate the values

on the right-hand side of the "=" sign. Do not modify any of the values on the left

of the "=" or errors will occur during compilation.

* Browse to your application server. You will need the fds.swc file which can

be retrieved at "C:\Adobe\LiveCycle8\jboss\server\all\tmp\deploy\

tmp5848adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear-contents\adobe-workspace-runtime-exp.war\WEB-INF\flex\libs" folder in a JBoss Turnkey installation.

2. Create the following folder structure.



|-- source


|-- export

For example, if you created your top-most folder at C:\, you will have a root folder named

C:\custLocale, and two folders C:\custLocale\source and C:\custLocale\export.

3. You will need to access parts of the Workspace ES source code for LiveCycle ES.

Browse to one of the following locations:

* Workbench ES installation: Navigate to

"[installdir]\LiveCycle ES\WorkbenchES\LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\Process_Management\Workspace",

where [installdir] represents where Workbench ES is installed on your computer.

* LiveCycle ES server: Navigate to the

"[installdir]\LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\Process_Management\Workspace" folder,

where [installdir] represents where LiveCycle ES is installed on a server.

For example, for a JBoss Turnkey installation in a Windows 2003 server, navigate to the

"C:\Adobe\LiveCycle8\LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\Process_Management\Workspace" folder.

4. Copy the adobe-workspace-src.zip file and extract the Workspace ES source code to your

computer using an archiving tool. For example, extract it to C:\WorkspaceSource\

5. In the folder where you extracted the Workspace ES source code, browse to the Workspace\src

folder and copy the following properties files to the custLocale\source folder you created

in step 2.

* alc_wks_client_msg.properties

* alc_wks_client_trace.properties

* alc_wks_client_ui.properties

For example, if you extracted the source to the "C:\WorkspaceSource" folder, you would browse

to the "C:\WorkspaceSource\Workspace\src" folder.

6. Make the changes that you require in each of the .properties files. You can translate the strings

and or use different terminology.

7. In command prompt, execute the following command, navigate to the root directory of the

folder structure that you had setup in step 2, for example, navigate to C:\custLocale\ and

then type the following command: (all on one line)

compc -locale=en_US -output=export/en_US/workspace_rb.swc

-source-path .\source "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder

2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale\en_US" -include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources

collections controls core data effects formatters logging messaging rpc skins states

styles utils validators --

The -locale parameter is the language that you are localizing to and maps to what a user enters

in a the browser setting!

The locale folder you specify as part of the -source-path option must be one you create for the language you localizing to. You will need to localize each of the .properties files.

If you were localizing to Spanish, and you created a new locale folder called es_ES under

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale", you would type the

following command:

compc -locale=es -output=export/en_US/workspace_rb.swc

-source-path .\source "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder

2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale\en_ES" -include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources

collections controls core data effects formatters logging messaging rpc skins states

styles utils validators --

NOTE: Ensure that you have the correct Flex SDK 2 (with hotfix 2) in your path. If you are using Flex Builder 2.0.1 in Windows, you can select Start > All Programs >

Adobe > Adobe Flex 2 SDK Command Prompt.

NOTE: Make sure that the following are in your PATH environment variable (in windows).

- "C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2"\bin;

- "C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2"\frameworks;

- "C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\jre"\bin;

- "C:\Program Files\Adobe2\Flex Builder 2\jre"\lib;

8.Using an archiving utility, open the SWC file in the export folder.

For example, your SWC file will be in C:\custLocale\export\en_US.

9. Extract library.swf file and rename the file to workspace_rb_[locale].swf.

For example, since you are modifying the en_US one, rename it to workspace_rb_en.swf.

10. On the application server, navigate to the location where the adobe-workspace-client.ear is

deployed.The location will depend on the application you are running.

For example, in a turnkey installation, you would navigate to the "[installdir]\jboss\server\all\deploy" folder, where [installdir] is the location of the

a JBoss Turnkey installation.

11. Create a folder for the extracting the EAR file and copy the adobe-workspace-client.ear

file to another location on the server or to your computer. For example, copy it to a \

folder named "C:\EarBuild".

12. In the folder that you copied the adobe-works-client.ear file to in step 11, extract

adobe-workspace-client.ear file by using an archiving utility. You can also use the jar command to extract the contents of the EAR file. For example, in the command prompt, navigate to the

EarBuild folder and type jar -xvf adobe-workspace-client.ear. After you enter the jar command, you will see a META-INF folder and the adobe-workspace-client.war file.

13. After you have completed extracting the EAR file, delete the adobe.workspace-client.ear

file from the folder you created in step 11.

[Steps 14 - 22 or in the next posting - there is a limit it appears]


Level 2
The rest of steps....<br /><br />14. Navigate to the META-INF folder and open the application.xml file in a text editor. <br /> Edit the application.xml file to give a context root for accessing your version of <br /> Workspace ES, a new web URI that specifies the name of the new WAR file, and a new display name:<br /> <display-name>Localized Workspace</display-name><br /> <web-uri>my-localizedworkspace-client.war</web-uri><br /> <context-root>localizedworkspace</context-root><br /><br />15. Create a folder named to store extracted contents from the WAR file, such as C:\WarBuild, <br /> and copy the adobe-workspace-client.war file to this folder.<br /><br />16. In the command prompt, navigate to the folder you created in step 15 and extract the contents of the WAR file by using an archiving utility. You can also use the jar command to extract the<br /> contents of the EAR file. For example, in the command prompt, navigate to the WarBuild folder and<br /> type "jar -xvf adobe-workspace-client.war". <br /><br />17. Delete the adobe-workspace-client.war file from the folder you created in step 15. <br /><br />18. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the locale folder <br /> (You will see other workspace_rb_[locale].swf files.) and copy the newly created <br /> workspace_rb_[locale].swf from step 9 to the locale folder.<br /><br /> NOTE: If you are localizing to another language, navigate back to the root of the WAR file <br /> contents and in a text editor, create a copy of one of the<br /> alc_wks_client_html_[locale].properties files, where [locale] represents the locale, and<br /> modify the strings to match the localization customization you are performing. <br /> Rename the file with the appropriate locale setting.<br /> <br /> For example, for the Spanish locale, you can copy the alc_wks_client_html_en.properties<br /> file, rename it to alc_wks_client_html_es.properties, type Spanish translations for the values of browser.document.title and no.flash.player, and then save the file.<br /><br />20. Repackage the WAR and EAR files by using an archiving tool or the jar command by performing <br /> the following tasks:<br /><br /> * Create the new WAR file with the value you specified for <web-uri> tag in step 14. <br /> For example, navigate to the folder where you extracted the WAR file to in step 16, and <br /> type "jar -cvf my-localizedworkspace-client.war META-INF\MANIFEST.MF *".<br /><br /> * Move the newly created WAR file to the folder you created in step 11. Delete the original<br /> adobe-workspace-client.war file. You should only have the a META-INF folder and the new WAR<br /> file you created from the previous step.<br /><br /> * Create a new EAR file by using the original manifest file, the modified application.xml <br /> file, and the new WAR file. For example, navigate to the folder that contains the <br /> META-INF folder and the new WAR file you created, and type "jar -cvfm my-localizedworkspace-client.ear META-INF\MANIFEST.MF META-INF\application.xml <br /> my-localizedworkspace-client.war".<br /><br /> * Deploy the EAR file you created. For example, copy my-localizedworkspace-client.ear to <br /><br />21. Deploy the new EAR file you created in step 20 to the application server. <br /> By deploying your EAR file to the Application server, it will deploy to the web server <br /> connected to your application server.<br /> <br /> For example, in a JBoss turnkey installation,copy mmy-localizedworkspace-client.ear file <br /> to the[installdir]\jboss\server\all\deploy folder, where [installdir] represents the<br /> installation folder.<br /><br />22. You can access you new version of Workspace by accessing the context root that you specified<br /> step 14. For example, in a browser, type "http://[name of server]:8080/localizedworkspace".<br /> If you want to test the locale, you must modify the settings in your browser first. For example,<br /> in FireFox, perform these steps before accessing the URL. (These step are for international <br /> Spanish):<br /><br /> * Start FireFox and select Tools > Options.<br /><br /> * In the Options dialog box, click Advanced.<br /><br /> * On the General tab, click Choose.<br /><br /> * In the Languages dialog box, in the Select a language to add list, select the language <br /> that corresponds to the new localized SWF file and click Add. For example, if you <br /> created a localization file for international Spanish, you would select Spanish [es].<br /> <br /> * In the Languages In Order Of Preference area, click Move Up or Move Down to the <br /> location of your preference, and then click OK.<br /> <br /> * In the Options dialog box, click OK.<br /><br /> * Restart FireFox and start Workspace ES. Navigate to the Workspace ES screens that you <br /> changed in the new localized SWF file and verify your changes.


Former Community Member
Hi there,

Thank you for your comprehensive response to my question. I will give it a go with the instructions given.



Level 2
You might want to try the instructions that were sent earlier to localize most of the Workspace client. I believe there are more instructions for customizing the queueSharing.lca that works with the Workspace client and also some strings you may need to customize. The differences are the following:

- In your Flex SDK, create a copy of the en_US folder and then translate the strings in each .properties file in addition to the .properties files found in Workspace.

- you may need to find a localized version of the fds.swc and fds_rb.swc file.

Just some questions, which version of LiveCycle are you using? 8.0.1.x? In addition, are you using Flex Builder or the free Flex SDK only? In addition, which version are you using? I'll poke around to see what I can find but it might be a couple of weeks as I am tied up at the moment...


Former Community Member
Thank you, flexairlr! It works! I have a set of my own workspace_rb.swf now that I could use!



Level 2
Awesome! Good to know. Do you plan on localizing the server or the queue sharing parts? I hope to figure out how that is done soon.


Former Community Member
Not at this stage. But I'll be interested to find out how and what is the benefits of doing so.


Former Community Member
Hi, I am just trying to localize the Queuesharing.swf, but without success. Did you succeed?



Former Community Member
We currently don't ship the source for the Queuesharing.swf form. Alternatively you could just create a new flex form that is translated or even create a PDF in designer (although the later would involve some minor changes to the Queuesharing process).


Level 2
The source is not available with LiveCycle ES Update 1 SP 1. There is also blog entry from the LiveCycle Docs team to customize the QueueSharing.swf form titled "Localizing the Share Queue Request form (queuesharing.swf file)" at



Former Community Member
Hi Flexairlr1,

The instructions you gave me works perfectly for customizing Workspace language properties on ES 8.01. Recently I migrated my system to use ES Update 1 with Service Pack 1. And I tried to do the same thing I did with the earlier version, but ended up with "SWF is not a loadable module. Unable to load resource module from locale/workspace_rb_en_US.swf" error message.

From what I know workspace in ES Update 1 uses Flex 3 instead of Flex 2. I have tried using the instructions on Flex 2 and Flex 3, both to no success. Flex 3 SDK has also different sets of frameworks/locale to Flex 2 SDK, so I presume the instruction on "compc" must have changed to suit different Flex SDK used.

Do you know the right way to compile the language SWF file for ES Update 1 Service Pack 1 using Flex SDK 3 (3.0.0)? Or any documentation of update to what you have given me earlier would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.
