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Change or insert data to XML variable in Workflow


Former Community Member

In a workflow, there is a XML variable with the following data:












How to change the data for 'username'. I tried

'/process_data/MyXML/data/current_user[3]/username' = "kelvin", but does not work. I tried many other combinations and none of it works. Look simple, yet can't get it work?

Also, how can I add a 4th new 'current_user' to the XML?

Thanks for help...
6 Replies


Former Community Member


if this does not work, then it is not possible to add a new 4th user, email me @ mergeandfuse@gmail.com, may be I can give you something


Former Community Member
Thanks... I tried your suggestion, did not work...


Former Community Member
Were you guys able to figure out how to update a specific node in an XML in the workbench process? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!


Level 10
I ran into similar issues a while ago trying to do the same thing. I couldn't figure it out. I had to build a custom component and/or script service to get around the issue.

I tried it with the Alpha version of LiveCycle 8.2 and it seems to be fine. It could be a bug with the current version.

You can check with support at otsupp@adobe.com




Former Community Member
I was able to do it in a Set Value operation with the following

Location Expression

(/process_data/MyXML/data/current_user[3])/username "kelvin"

Hope that helps.


Former Community Member
You can make string out of this XML. Manipulate that string - add a new user and put that string back to XML variable. I did implement the same in my process as an workaround.