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Calculating Total Number of Days +1


Former Community Member
I'm have two Date/Time fields, one for "StartDate" and one for "EndDate".

I then have a Numeric "TotalDays" field which calculates the total number of days from "StartDate" to "EndDate".

I used the following calculation formula in the "TotalDays":

Date2Num(EndDate, "YYYY-MM-DD") - Date2Num(StartDate, "YYYY-MM-DD") + 1

The problem with it is, I have to add "1" to get the right total number of days, which results with "1" showing up in the Numeric field in the form.

Is there another calculation method I can use to avoid showing the number "1" or is there a way of hiding it?

1 Reply


Level 1

if (StartDate=="" || EndDate=="") event.value = "";

else {

  // do the rest of the calculation
