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Assemble an unknown number of pfd files programatically


Former Community Member

in the documentation example 2.7 - Exceuting a job request, we use a Document class object for each pdf file (2 files in the eaxmple) and insert it to a hash table.

in case there is an unknown nuber of PDF files to assemble, should i create a unique Document object for each, or can i use a single Document object and after insert it to the hash table, to use it for another pdf file (e.g. usign a "For" loop)?

thanks a lot,

2 Replies


Former Community Member
A Document object cannot be reused once initialized with a file or input stream. You should create a new Document for each input file.



Former Community Member
So, do you have an idea of how can i do it?

is there an option to seach a folder for all pdf files to merge (similar to watch folders, but using the API)?

