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API-Documentation available?


Former Community Member

I have to check the ability for our application (CRM) to work with a PDF-document. We like to fill in some information in predefined fields of the document, in the same way like the use can do it by typing on keyboard. (By example: fill in the customer name and address from the CRM into the PDF and than print the document for the customer to sign it.)

I think that this may work using the Reader Extension but I can't find any API-documentation to verify this. For verification only I don't like to pay 1.400$ to get a membership for livecycle-developers. Is there any download - address with the documentation of the API? I'm sure that will be enought information for our developer.

Many thanks,

3 Replies


Former Community Member
There isn't any API documentation to download without getting your hands on the product. But if all you want is to show the user a form so they can fill it in and print then you do not need Reader Extensions.

If you're looking to let the users save the PDF locally, or do prepopulation of fields (so fields are automatically filled with their info) then you would need Reader Extensions.

If you have any requirements besides what you posted above and make explain them here I'm sure someone can let you know if you need Reader Extensions to accomplish that.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Hello Chris,

very soon reply!! Thanks!

All we want to do ist the following:

- Our customer has some data of his customers in our CRM-application

- he has created about 15 PDF-documents for contracts.

- the user has to print the PDF, fill in the customer data manually

- alternatively the can use Adobe Approval to fill the fields by typing bevore printing (but this product is not longer supportet)

- we have all the data for the contract in our CRM so we like to fill the field customername, customer adress, contractnumber ... with this data and print the document AFTER WE HAVE FILLED these fields.

Our application ist created with Delphi.

Do we need the Reader Extensions for that? Is there any other way?


Former Community Member
Possibly. Have you decided how you'll be prepopulating the data into the form?

If you want the form to connect to a web service to get that data you'll need RE. If you wan the form to connect to a DB to get the data you'll need RE. You could also use LiveCycle Forms to prepopulate the data in the PDF, but you'd probably have to write a Java webservice that uses the Forms API and call that from your Delphi app, or maybe you can use the .net library, I'm not extremely familiar with Delphi personally.

Basically, I don't see anything from the workflow you've described that would require it except possibly the prepopulation of data, so it depends on how you plan to go about doing that.


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