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Adding x Instances to a dynamic subform


Former Community Member
Hi all!

I have this problem...

I have a form in which I have to type the number of months in which a

project goes on.

I would like that automatically Designer adds the correct number of rows in

order to compile the fields.


N. of period: 6

Then I have to add 6 rows to my form.

I succedeed in adding 1 row at time through a button, but it's not what I


I thought that using


where x is the number of the N. of period fields would be enought to achieve

my goal, but it doesn't seem to work.

Any help?


2 Replies


Former Community Member
addInstance() takes a true/false parameter, or alternatively a 0 or 1. I believe what you are looking for is setInstance(6)


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
<Chris_Trubiani@adobeforums.com> ha scritto nel messaggio <br />news:3bbe4789.0@webx.la2eafNXanI...<br />> addInstance() takes a true/false parameter, or alternatively a 0 or 1. I <br />> believe what you are looking for is setInstance(6)<br />><br /><br />Ok, setInstances(x) works.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Alessio