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Accessing Java Session from Flex


Level 1
Hi, I have a JSP login page to access an intranet, inside the
Intranet I have a flex application, to access session info in the
JSP page from my flex application i've created a remote object to
get user info from the session:

<destination id="infoSesion">


<channel ref="java-amf" />


<adapter ref="java-object" />






InfoSesion RO code:

package pe.gob.inccusco;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import flex.messaging.FlexContext;

public class InfoSesion


public String getUserInfo()


HttpServletRequest req = FlexContext.getHttpRequest();

HttpSession sesion = req.getSession();

....Code to get the user Info using sesion



I want to access the JSP session info from flex but the
problem is that req.getSession always return a NullPointerException

what am i doing wrong?
2 Replies


Level 3

I don't see any problem from your code. I just verified with
your code and it worked (version LCDS 2.5.1)

package pe.gob.inccusco;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import flex.messaging.FlexContext;

public class InfoSesion


public String getUserInfo()


HttpServletRequest req = FlexContext.getHttpRequest();

HttpSession sesion = req.getSession();

return sesion.getId();



mxml page

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Application xmlns="

<RemoteObject id="ro" destination="infoSesion">

<method name="getUserInfo" />


<Button click="ro.getUserInfo()"/>

<TextInput text="{ro.getUserInfo.lastResult}"/>


William Chan


Former Community Member
Are you using ColdFusion but trying to access Java based ROs?
If so, have

you configured ColdFusion to use J2EE sessions?