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2 columns working together to return one value


Former Community Member
I'm creating an expense reimbursement form. I have 2 columns that need to "work together." There are approx. 10 rows. The first column is a drop down list of account numbers (12 #s). The second column is a dollar amount (user entered). I need 12 "fields" (one for each acct. #) that will look at all the fields in column 1 and add up the dollar amounts in column 2 if the column 1 data matches.


Column 1 Column 2

Acct. 12345 $10.00

Acct. 67890 $5.00

Acct. 12345 $20.00

Acct. 12345 Total: $30.00

Acct. 67890 Total: $5.00

Thanks for the help!
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