I would like to render Form Based activity from Target. Conditions would be checked through Target Activity script. I do not want to bother with any Decision Scopes etc ....
What code should I put in second action? Or should I apply propositions?
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@brekrut @GigiCotruta @RiteshYadav18 @ReenaJohn @Pradeep_Kumar_Srivastav @dhanesh04s @Travis_Jordan @kendallhall If you're available, please check out this question and share your thoughts. Your help means a lot!
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Hi, @Michael_Soprano,
One quick question:
Rendering from Launch would mean rendering client-side, why would you need it? Form Based activities are usually used for server-side rendering.
It is easier to implement a Visual activity from Client Side.
However, if you still want to do it this way, you are probably looking for the following:
You have to capture the response from target activity and then, render it.
Make sure to check the "Render visual personalization decisions" checkbox.
In some browsers and corporate VPNs VEC does not work and as a consultant I have crazy deadlines ....
So what should I write in Response headers and in Response body?
Response from Web SDK is like that in Network. Should you explain this step by step?
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@Michael_Soprano scope is activity and proposition is content, in your case
add html DOM code to update content via code load via form activity
Something like that?
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@Michael_Soprano yes, did it work ? and what other options u have for action?
Yes, indeed. The only detail is that in scope, you should put your "Activity location". So that Adobe Tags knows to which Target activity to "connect".
@Michael_Soprano Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you need more information. If a response worked, kindly mark it as correct for posterity; alternatively, if you found a solution yourself, we’d appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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