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I've learned that in AEP, the ECID is not a long-term unique identifier for users who are not logged in, as that ECID can change when a user switches devices, clears cookies, or uses different browsers. We're looking for a more stable identifier, like the unique Profile ID used by Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), to sync lead records into Salesforce.
Initial Interaction:
Subsequent Interaction:
Another Interaction:
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Hi @JeanBaro_
Lets discuss everything step by step.
@jayakrishnaaparthasarathy please add if I've missed anything.
Hi @JeanBaro_
Lets discuss everything step by step.
@jayakrishnaaparthasarathy please add if I've missed anything.
@Ankit_Chaudhary - Agree.
In addition to that, since all the interactions you mentioned are digital channels, there is no need of deduplication becuase the same customer may interact with different scenarios and all those must be captured in real time for the campaign strategy. As Ankit mentioned, you can look for any identity that works with salesforce which primarly stitch the AEP & salesforce events to form a customer complete personas. In our case, we use email as an identity to stich the salesforce events with existing AEP profiles. You can use the different varioation of fields to track those elements and decide what needs to be utilised based on the quality of information you have tracked from different application.
I would recommed you to have a XDM architecture by consedering all your objective and scope along with other sources to decide upon the ingestion strategy.
@JeanBaro_ Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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