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Hi @Shashi15
may I ask first how you are intending to use it? Do you want to send it to for instance Adobe Analytics or do you want to use it in other non-Adobe tools?
You can find the documentation here
Basically, you have two options
1. Using a Launch Data Element
.then((result) => result?.identity?.ECID)
.catch((error) => {
// The command failed.
// "error" will be an error object with additional information.
_satellite.logger.error(">>> alloy ecid error", error);
2. Using datastream mapping via Data Prep (recommended)
Hi @Shashi15
may I ask first how you are intending to use it? Do you want to send it to for instance Adobe Analytics or do you want to use it in other non-Adobe tools?
You can find the documentation here
Basically, you have two options
1. Using a Launch Data Element
.then((result) => result?.identity?.ECID)
.catch((error) => {
// The command failed.
// "error" will be an error object with additional information.
_satellite.logger.error(">>> alloy ecid error", error);
2. Using datastream mapping via Data Prep (recommended)