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AEP - Fetching Target personalizations without triggering Adobe Analytics


Level 1

I'm working on an AEP implementation with both the Analytics & Target service connected. For a regular pageview event the pageview is send to Adobe Analytics & the response for the global-mbox and additional requested mboxes is returned to the browser.


However for some use-cases I want to get personalizations for additional mboxes after the origal page-load has already happened. Currently this also triggers a new pageview measurement for Adobe Analytics, which is not what I want. So my questions are:


- Is it possible to do a target call through AEP without triggering the Analytics service?

- Or is it possible to add additional data to the xdm object which causes the Analytics hit to be dropped intentionally?


Thank you advance!

1 Accepted Solution


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Level 5
3 Replies


Level 5

Hi @rest 

Yes, it is possible to control how your data is sent to Adobe's different services, including Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics, through AEP using Launch (Data Collection) ! It allows you to manage when and how data is sent to the various Adobe services. You can make calls to Adobe Target for personalization purposes without triggering Adobe Analytics.

for example, you can use WebSDK, to call Adobe Target without triggering a hit to Adobe Analytics, you can use the sendEvent command with only the renderDecisions option. 

alloy("sendEvent", {
  renderDecisions: true

#2) You can manipulate the XDM object in your calls to control what data is sent to which Adobe services. If there are scenarios where you want to send data to Adobe Target but not Adobe Analytics, you can structure your XDM object accordingly, but have to be careful when modifying XDM as always.

Hope this answers your question.



Level 1

Hi @adobechat,


Thank you for your response. The solution you provided does however not match my experience. Even when sending the event with "renderDecisions: true" there is always an empty pageview being send to Adobe Analytics. Could you maybe point me towards some Web SDK documentation about this topic?




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Level 5