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Adobe Summit 2024, AEP Lab | [L609] What’s Your Preference? Build Consumer Trust with a Personal Touch




Session Details

Privacy laws are multiplying, data breaches are more common, and customers are demanding responsible handling of their data to honor their consent preferences in every interaction. Can you design a system to govern customer data at scale that’s flexible enough to evolve with this privacy landscape? With Adobe Real-Time CDP, Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics you don’t have to — you can leverage existing capabilities for responsible data governance, security, and privacy. Build customer trust, manage data use & compliance at scale, automate workflows, and use AI/ML to accelerate it all. Learn how to:

- Design implementations to intelligently and responsibly re-engage customers with better experiences, not just reminders
- Plan the data lifecycle across channels for efficient and effective customer conversations
- Collect consent and preference data, create data usage labels and marketing actions, and apply automated policy enforcement


Session Schedule

        Tuesday, Mar 261:30 PM - 3:00 PM PDT


        Aimee Gregg, Audience Activation Consultant, Adobe

        Shruti Jagtap, Principal Data Architect, Adobe

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