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30M profile count increase in 1 day


Community Advisor

Hello -

Has anyone experienced troubleshooting an unexpected large total profile count increase? We had a 30M total profile increase sometime between 6/23 and 6/24. Our licensed usage is still showing the count, -30M, but the total profile count has the 30M added. Just looking for some advice.

Thank you


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Sure, refer below on how to navigate to a profile snapshot dashboard. 



In addition you could investigate what schemas are contributing to the profile, have you enabled any shcema's recently to profile? this can help you answer those questions. 


refer to the article below for more info 



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3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@DavidRoss91 could you add more details around the kind of data being ingested? the avg profile size far past 12 months? . 


Is digital data part of the data ingested? every anonymous visitor (ECID) without identifier becomes a new profile 

Also have you tweaked dataset TTL settings recently? increasing this will also increase profile count. 

Do you have Mobile Apps sending data via mobile SDK? there was a bug which would affect this. 


Also try querying the profile dataset and see if you can see a trend change in data. 


Hope that helps 





Community Advisor

Hi @Anil_Umachigi 

Thank you for the response!

I do understand that ECID's with ID's stitched would create a net new profile. As for TTL updates, we have not made any requests to update TTL's in the last month. We do not have the mobile SDK implemented.


I don't think I fully understand how to query the snapshot table to find out where these net new profiles are coming from. Would you be able to lend a hand there? I know that we are constantly seeing new profile fragments being ingested but I realize that not all new profile fragments would net out to overall new profiles.


Thanks for any help you can give!



Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Sure, refer below on how to navigate to a profile snapshot dashboard. 



In addition you could investigate what schemas are contributing to the profile, have you enabled any shcema's recently to profile? this can help you answer those questions. 


refer to the article below for more info 

