Hi, guys, I hope you are doing well during the current paradigm, and that this is the right place to ask.
I am attemping to integrate Adobe AEM with Adobe Launch via Adobe I/O.
I have gotten to the point where, after creating an IMS configuration, I am capable of retrieving the required token:

The next step is creating an Adobe Launch Configuration on my AEM instance, by going into Tools>Cloud Services>Adobe Launch Configurations.
What should happen - according to what I read - is that AEM should authenticate behind the scenes after specifying the above created IMS Configuration, and I should be able to retrieve the companies and properties from Launch.
What happens instead is that I don't see any company being loaded and if I go check the logs, I see an error being thrown instead:

And the error I see is the following: a status code 403 in the response that prevents the DataSource to retrieve the companies.

I am also working behind a proxy, so I have added the following configuration:

And I have gathered that this is my endpoint to retrieve the companies, correct?

I do not have access to Launch, but I can ask a different team to perform all the actions required for the integration.
Has any of you encountered such issue before? Do you have any guess what this might be about or what I might do to solve it (or investigate further)?
Thank you very much,