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Need help for touch UI migration


Level 4

Hi All,

I am looking for a help. We are in planning for migration of classic UI components to touch UI but we have multiple components where we need datasource implementation.

As we have multiple such components we are not in favour of writing so much of custom code for each component and perform migration. What I am trying to build is a servlet that
(a) knows which component it's rendering (can be done...)
(b) calls the component-level JSP created for Classic UI (e.g list.json.jsp) and gets the output (JSON text)
(c) Parses this JSON text and creates the format Touch UI needs...

I know Cognifide ZenGarden(https://www.cognifide.com/our-blogs/adobe/using-datasource-to-populate-aem-touch-ui-objects) has something like this but not getting access to the code. Can anyone help me if somebody has implemented similar?

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