New to CJA here. I've setup everything and started ingesting data via the web sdk into a dataset. When I go view the dataset, sometimes I get these 2 errors.
[error code: DCVS-1104-400] The message cannot be validated due to the data type error: #/web/webPageDetails/pageViews/id: expected type: String, found: Integer.
[error code: DCVS-1106-400] The message cannot be validated because a required property is missing: #/web/webPageDetails/pageViews: required key [value] not found.
When I look at the data.. I can see that sometimes the data batches are successful and that those values "pagview.id" and "pageview.value" are coming through to CJA. How do I find exactly what pages are triggering those errors? How do I troubleshoot this?