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Allow us to set the landing page in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection (formerly Launch)


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Description -

Since the latest release, there is a new "home" page for the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, this page has a section to help new people to the system, then a few sections for "Recent Properties" or "Recent Rules" etc..


While a "pretty page", for people like me that deal with many different properties every day, I just want to see the full list of properties.. the old behaviour of coming to the full list was actually a better experience for me.


Why is this feature important to you -

So, I understand the concept of the new home page for new users, or users who are only making changes to the same main properties all the time; this isn't the best experience for all users....


I would like the option to set the "Tags" area (the full list of properties) as my landing page to save me time getting to where I need to be.


How would you like the feature to work -

There should be a settings or preferences page in the interface that allows users to choose where to land... this could include options like the "Home" page, as it currently works, the "Tags" page (which would be the equivalent of the old behaviour), and for those that only work primarily in a single property, allow them to land directly in the chosen property.


Choosing a landing page exists in Adobe Analytics, where you can choose to land in the main Workspace list, or in a specific workspace (and back when it was relevant, you could also land in the old Reports area). This is a really handy feature that allows us to maximize our workflow.


Current Behaviour -

User lands on the new Home page, which has a lot of extra stuff that experienced user won't need at the top of the page, but also reduces what properties they have immediate access to. This means one more page load and click to get to where you need to be... while one extra step doesn't seem like a lot, it adds up over time... 




Community Advisor


Playing devil's advocate here:

It looks like all of the AEP products have their own landing pages that provide some info about what that particular product is, and it's up to you to navigate through the product using the left rail's menu. And since Data Collection is one such product in AEP, so it inherits this landing page structure.

But yes, it would be good to be able to customise the landing page for advanced users. And this would be beneficial not only for Data Collection, but all of the other products too.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Yes, I know I can navigate to the properties list... but as I mentioned, Analytics has a preferences area where I can choose the landing page for Analytics:



Data Collection/Launch does one thing.. it allows us to manage our tags... for users that use it multiple times a day, being able to bypass the new "splash page" would streamline our workflows.


For Data Collection, obviously the equivalent of "blank project" or "new property" wouldn't make a lot of sense...most people don't make a new property every time they open the site... but the options for home, tag properties, or a specific property would make a lot of sense.


Employee Advisor


@Jennifer_Dungan ,

I hear you. I am usually just diving into my tag properties in Data Collection, too, so am adapting to the new home screen.

What if you do this, though?

1. Dismiss the giant banner at the top:


2. Then you should have this "Recent Properties" module above the fold on the new DC home page:


For me, these properties seem like the ones i am more likely to want to use vs when i go to the tag properties list and use the filters to find the property I want. Of course, for me, most of the properties i am working with currently all begin with "Web SDK" and are at the end of the list, lol.






Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



I did dismiss that.. but right now the "recent properties" isn't handling my needs.


I am in the middle of a major migration project, I have sites coming from multiple different properties into one.. some of those properties I am only opening and in some cases copying rules into the new property, but not actually making changes.


I am in the here enough to know exactly which page my suites load on... so again, I skip the recent, go straight to tags, open the properties I need on page one, go to directly to page 3 and open the suites I need there.


I'm not saying that the new design is unusable, it's just not efficient for me... and since other products have a landing page preference, I am merely asking for a similar feature here. This is the "ideas" board after all... 


Level 2


You have to edit the template, of page 3, and change properties and components as required.

Another option is to replace the index with page 3.





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


You have to edit the template, of page 3, and change properties and components as required.

Another option is to replace the index with page 3.

This doesn't make any sense....


what is "the template, of page 3"?

Exactly.. there wouldn't be templates for specific pages..  pagination pages are just a DB driven list of Launch properties....  if we could even modify the templates in Launch.. which we can't.... (I also never said I want to land on page 3... I just want to land on the "Tags" page instead of the home page when I go into Launch/Data Collection)


We don't have any control over the interface pages... hence the request to allow us to choose a landing page like other Adobe tools....