Dear Community
once again its me having a question about XML-Forms.
Currently i am using the Live Cycle Designer 3 Version and unfortunately, the generated XML-Format
is not compatible with Adobe Sign (Adobe Document Cloud).
I am wondering if there is ANY way to make these files compatible and/or if the newer Software Versions (ES4 or AEM Forms) offer different XML Export Options to have them XML documents compatible with Adobe Sign.
Many thanks in advance
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When you say not compatible what errors are you getting?
Save the file as static pdf and it will works with Adobe sign
thanks for your answer.
When we try to upload the filled form to Adobe Sign, the standard "error" shows --> "please wait If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document."
How can I save the filled Form to a static PDF with Adobe Reader?
Don't have an old form or LC Designer to cross check, but what is the API version of the XFA generator you've in the XML source of the form? Recent forms have APIVersion="3.6.13061.0"
You can the compatibility by switching to a newer version.
thanks for your answer
Thanks for sharing the form!
This issue is not related to API version of the XFA generator.
The PDF shared is a Dynamic XFA form and Adobe Sign supports Static XFA PDFs only.
Its possible to do this conversion with AEM forms server but if you don't have one then you can print the form with a PDF printer once the form is filled.
You can open the xdp and save it as static pdf
then it should work with Adobe sign
the problem with this form is, that "random" people within the company (3000+ employees), have to fill this form. some of them are already struggling with opening the file as instructed in Adobe Reader/Pro... to have the filled forms circling back to me or anyone who would understand the workflow to open the xdp and safe it as a static PDF, is not an option.
Therefore we made a request to Adobe to make Adobe Sign compatible with dynamic forms as well as looking into other options like change the form back to a static one or as an online form only...
Thanks for all replies so far!
@andrea_eth Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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Hi guys! so far no solution has been found for the dynamic forms vs Adobe Sign compatibilty.
The company stopped the process and is looking for other solutions like online-forms which suits me better too!
no further investigations needed! Thanks all for your replys
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